Patent Pending

Faith Hope Love | Affirmation Bottles & Products for the mind, body & soul - by Molor.
All Bottle Products listed below are protected under our trademarks.
Butler, Monique D896098 Bottle Design (FAITH)
Butler, Monique D908507 Bottle Design (HOPE)
Butler, Monique D908508 Bottle Design (LOVE)
Butler, Monique D954558 Bottle Design (BLESSED)
Butler, Monique D983042 Bottle Design (BELIEVE)
Butler, Monique D983046 Bottle Design (GIRL)
Butler, Monique D983046 Bottle Design (GRATITUDE)
Butler, Monique D983045 Bottle Design (BOY)
Butler, Monique D983045 Bottle Design (GRATEFUL)
Butler, Monique D981867 Baby Bottle (BABY)
Butler, Monique D981867 Bottle Design (SMILE)
Butler, Monique D983664 Bottle Design (PEACE)
Butler, Monique D983665 Bottle Design (HAPPINESS)
Butler, Monique D983666 Bottle Design (JOY)
Butler, Monique Patent Pending Bottle Design (TRUST)

The Affirmation Bottles

Our flagship product, the Faith Hope Love Affirmation Bottle Gift set is the perfect way to spread love, positivity, happiness and joy to the world.

Uniquely crafted with a roll-free design & perfectly safe for our environment.

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Faith Hope Love

Our core message revolves around love, and we act upon it by allocating a portion of our earnings to support those in need. This includes aiding organizations dedicated to helping abuse victims, funding childhood cancer research, providing assistance to the homeless, and advocating for distressed domestic animals.